Dauntless Wiki
Weapon Tokens
Weapon Token Icon
Use Weapon Tokens to unlock your next favourite weapon in the battle against the Behemoths.

Weapon Tokens are a currency in Dauntless that are used to obtain Weapons from the in-game Store. Each weapon in the Store costs 100 Weapon Token Weapon Tokens. This currency does not expire at the end of a Hunt Pass season.

Weapon Tokens can be obtained from the following sources:

  • Weapon Token 25 from the Free track of the Hunt Pass,
  • Weapon Token 75 from the Elite track of the Hunt Pass,
  • Weapon Token 10 per week from one of the Weekly Challenges,
  • Bundles of 25, 50 and 100 Weapon Token Weapon Tokens from the Store.

Additional Info[ | ]

As a reward for crafting and power-surging weapons, players were rewarded with 100 Weapon Token Weapon Tokens for every 20 weapons crafted or 10 weapons power-surged. A maximum of 500 Weapon Token Weapon Tokens could be secured this way. Those Weapon Token Weapon Tokens were granted after the migration to Dauntless: Awakening was completed on December 5, 2024.
