Dauntless Wiki
Torgadoro Leather
Torgadoro Leather Icon 001
A Common drop from slaying a Torgadoro. Used to craft Torgadoro gear.
Behemoth Breakpart
Obtained From

Torgadoro Leather is a reagent in Dauntless.

Description[ | ]

A Common drop from slaying a Torgadoro. Used to craft Torgadoro gear.

Obtained From[ | ]

Slaying a Torgadoro.

Behemoths[ | ]

Used In[ | ]

Weapon Crafting[ | ]

Icon Name Power Element Perk Cell Slots Unique Effect
Tectonic Faults Icon Tectonic Faults 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
Incinerator's Song Icon Incinerator's Song 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
Scorching Agonies Icon Scorching Agonies 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
Magma Quake Icon Magma Quake 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
Volcanic Eruptions Volcanic Eruptions 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
The Cauterizer Icon The Cauterizer 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.
Pyroclastic Envoy Icon Pyroclastic Envoy 100 Blaze IconBlaze Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to enter a rage, gaining new attacks for 15 seconds. Deal +25% damage when the target is below 50% health. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.

Weapon Power Surging[ | ]

Torgadoro Leather is not used to power surge any weapons.

Armour Crafting[ | ]

Torgadoro Leather is not used to craft any armour.

Armour Power Surging[ | ]

Torgadoro Leather is not used to power surge any armour.
