Dauntless Wiki

During patch 1.10.2, a secret activity was added to the game.

The first hint was shown on the third anniversary video at the end.

Going to the location shown in the video on The Paradox Breaks showed an interactable lore node, symbols drawn on the side of the mountain and special audio.

Strange Lantern Transmission IslandStrange Lantern Transmission Lore Node

Using morse code, the audio's hint was found out to be "Chronovore"

While the lore node pointed towards behemoths journal entries.

Harvester of Souls = Rezakiri

Thunder and Wrath = Scarred Master

Points in Time = Chronovore

In the Journal entries, keywords were found that were not there before.

Strange Lantern Transmission The Chronovore

Strange Lantern Transmission Scarred Master

Strange Lantern Transmission Rezakiri




Deciphering each keyword with "Chronovore" as the key provided the address "research@behemoths.properties", emailing the word "Haste" gave us this answer back:

Strange Lantern Transmission Success
