Dauntless Wiki
Ostian Repeaters Gear Render 001

The Ostian Repeaters are a ranged projectile weapon type in Dauntless.

Summary[ | ]

A dual pistol weapon with origins in Ostia. While repeaters can land shots at longer ranges, they do considerably more damage up close. Reloading near a Behemoth draws aether into the repeaters' barrels, temporarily empowering shots and strengthening dropped mines and buffs.

Weapons[ | ]

Icon Name Power Element Unique Effect
Twin Suns Icon Twin Suns 10 Shock IconShock Your stacks of Critical last 10 seconds longer.
Alluring Moons Icon Alluring Moons 10 Umbral IconUmbral Occasionally spawn an orb of umbral energy nearby that can be attacked by any Slayer to send a spray of umbral blasts in a cone, damaging any Behemoth hit.

Weapon Skins[ | ]

The following weapon skins can be used with Ostian Repeaters:

Adamant Ophidians
Alchemancer's Equalizers
Alluring Suns
Archonic Atomizers
Arcslayer Dual Pistols
Auroranaut's Nova-Blasters
Baseless Cruelties
Benson's Blasters
Benson's War Cannons
Bloodshot Snappers
Champion's Repeaters
Cold Archonite Repeaters
Corsair's Rumblers
Drask Bolts
Dread Snappers
Emerald Steel Repeaters
EN-DR1 "Seek & Destroy"
Fatal Flourish
Frostfall Repeaters
Frostform Sygunnin
Frostwarden Skjota
Growth & Decay
Guardian Heralds
Guns of the Tyrant
Heartfire's Songs
Heartgem Repeaters
Infiltrator's Sunsetters
Keeper's Cannonae
Kind Ophidians
Krolach Kill-Shots
Lightsworn Revelations
Love and Devotion
Old-Fashioned Blasters
Ostian Automatics
Ostian Repeaters (Model P)
Peregrine Smiles
Ranger's Instincts
Royal Steel Repeaters
Scare Tactics
Sharp Shots
Skymetal Repeaters
SM-BR4 "Raining Fire" Ballistic Repeaters
SM-HR6 "Master Blaster" Heavy Repeaters
Stark and Raving
Strange Repercussions
Sunrise & Sunset
The Screaming Eel
Treasured Blasters
Victorious Repeaters
Voidcore Revokers
Warlord's Bellows
Wild Cry
Witch's Chants
ZAR-60 "Deadly Hours"
ZVR-84 "Last Days"
ZVT-89 "Second Chances"
Charred Pistols
Dynamic Deadlights
Eldritch Torments
Ember Shots
Eyes of the Firebird
Fenroar's Roots
Frostwülf's Chillers
Furies of the Night
Glyph Weaver Pistols
Inferno's Roar
Kharabak's Lights
Nayzaga's Spikes
Pangar's Nightmares
Quillshot's Stingers
Raging Repeaters
Recruit's Repeaters
Sahvyt's Avengers
Eyes of the Shrike
Skarn's Calamities
Sovereign's Decrees
Stalker's Cries
Storm Shooters
Tainted Needles
Temporal Mechanics
Throwing Sparks
Thundering Guns
Twin Suns(Legacy Content)
Valomyr's Instincts
Voice of Boreus
Volcanic Eruptions
Winter Blasts

Mastery Card[ | ]

Objective Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Break [x] parts with any Repeaters 5 10 25 50 250 500 1,000 2,500
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any neutral Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any blaze Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any frost Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any shock Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any radiant Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Deal [x] damage to Behemoths with any umbral Ostian Repeaters 50,000 100,000 250,000 500,000 2,500,000 5,000,000 10,000,000 50,000,000
Hunt [x] Behemoths with any Ostian Repeaters 2 10 20 50 100 200 500 1,000

Controls[ | ]

Moves[ | ]

Basic Shots
Icon-PC-Left Mouse Deals damage to the Behemoth from afar. Deals less damage at greater range.
Skillshot Ability
Icon-PC-Right Mouse Fires a skillshot in a direction. Differs depending on the Chamber equipped.
Thrown Ability
Icon-PC-Q Throws an object forward a short distance. Differs depending on the Grip equipped.
Icon-PC-R Refills the ammo used by Basic Shots.
Empowered Reload
Icon-PC-R Reloading close to the Behemoth absorbs some of its energy, empowering shots and abilities for a short period.

Combos[ | ]

Ballistic Chamber
Icon-PC-Right Mouse Fires a missile in a line that deals damage to the first behemoth hit.
Empowered: Fires 3 missiles in a spread.
Marksman Chamber
Icon-PC-Right Mouse Fires a shot in a line that damages and marks a Behemoth part, increasing shot damage done against the part hit.
Empowered: Further increase bonus damage and grants a small bonus to friendly attacks to the part.
Captain's Grip
Icon-PC-Q Throws a buff that can be picked up by any Slayer, granting them increased damage and attack speed.
Empowered: Buffs all Slayers instead.
Saboteur's Grip
Icon-PC-Q Throws a mine that arms after a short period, damaging any Behemoth that hits it after arming.
Empowered: Deals increased damage and can interrupt Behemoths.

Moves[ | ]

Basic Shots
Icon-XB1-RT Deals damage to the Behemoth from afar. Deals less damage at greater range.
Skillshot Ability
Icon-XB1-X Fires a skillshot in a direction. Differs depending on the Chamber equipped.
Thrown Ability
Icon-XB1-Y Throws an object forward a short distance. Differs depending on the Grip equipped.
Icon-XB1-RB Refills the ammo used by Basic Shots.
Empowered Reload
Icon-XB1-RB Reloading close to the Behemoth absorbs some of its energy, empowering shots and abilities for a short period.

Combos[ | ]

Ballistic Chamber
Icon-XB1-X Fires a missile in a line that deals damage to the first behemoth hit.
Empowered: Fires 3 missiles in a spread.
Marksman Chamber
Icon-XB1-X Fires a shot in a line that damages and marks a Behemoth part, increasing shot damage done against the part hit.
Empowered: Further increase bonus damage and grants a small bonus to friendly attacks to the part.
Captain's Grip
Icon-XB1-Y Throws a buff that can be picked up by any Slayer, granting them increased damage and attack speed.
Empowered: Buffs all Slayers instead.
Saboteur's Grip
Icon-XB1-Y Throws a mine that arms after a short period, damaging any Behemoth that hits it after arming.
Empowered: Deals increased damage and can interrupt Behemoths.

Moves[ | ]

Basic Shots
Icon-PS4-R2 Deals damage to the Behemoth from afar. Deals less damage at greater range.
Skillshot Ability
Icon-PS4-Square Fires a skillshot in a direction. Differs depending on the Chamber equipped.
Thrown Ability
Icon-PS4-Triangle Throws an object forward a short distance. Differs depending on the Grip equipped.
Icon-PS4-R1 Refills the ammo used by Basic Shots.
Empowered Reload
Icon-PS4-R1 Reloading close to the Behemoth absorbs some of its energy, empowering shots and abilities for a short period.

Combos[ | ]

Ballistic Chamber
Icon-PS4-Square Fires a missile in a line that deals damage to the first behemoth hit.
Empowered: Fires 3 missiles in a spread.
Marksman Chamber
Icon-PS4-Square Fires a shot in a line that damages and marks a Behemoth part, increasing shot damage done against the part hit.
Empowered: Further increase bonus damage and grants a small bonus to friendly attacks to the part.
Captain's Grip
Icon-PS4-Triangle Throws a buff that can be picked up by any Slayer, granting them increased damage and attack speed.
Empowered: Buffs all Slayers instead.
Saboteur's Grip
Icon-PS4-Triangle Throws a mine that arms after a short period, damaging any Behemoth that hits it after arming.
Empowered: Deals increased damage and can interrupt Behemoths.

Basic Shots
Icon-Switch-ZR Deals damage to the Behemoth from afar. Deals less damage at greater range.
Skillshot Ability
Icon-Switch-Y Fires a skillshot in a direction. Differs depending on the Chamber equipped.
Thrown Ability
Icon-Switch-X Throws an object forward a short distance. Differs depending on the Grip equipped.
Icon-Switch-R Refills the ammo used by Basic Shots.
Empowered Reload
Icon-Switch-R Reloading close to the Behemoth absorbs some of its energy, empowering shots and abilities for a short period.

Combos[ | ]

Ballistic Chamber
Icon-Switch-Y Fires a missile in a line that deals damage to the first behemoth hit.
Empowered: Fires 3 missiles in a spread.
Marksman Chamber
Icon-Switch-Y Fires a shot in a line that damages and marks a Behemoth part, increasing shot damage done against the part hit.
Empowered: Further increase bonus damage and grants a small bonus to friendly attacks to the part.
Captain's Grip
Icon-Switch-X Throws a buff that can be picked up by any Slayer, granting them increased damage and attack speed.
Empowered: Buffs all Slayers instead.
Saboteur's Grip
Icon-Switch-X Throws a mine that arms after a short period, damaging any Behemoth that hits it after arming.

Empowered: Deals increased damage and can interrupt Behemoths.

Gallery[ | ]

Images[ | ]

Trivia[ | ]

  • The name was first mentioned in a preview on dualshockers.com
  • They are the only class of weapon with no moves that use stamina other than dodging.

Guides[ | ]
