Neutral is the raw aetheric power of nature. Neutral weapons are neither strong nor weak against any Behemoths, while Neutral armour is neither strong nor weak to Behemoth attacks.
The Twin Suns Barrel: While Empowered, gain +40% critical strike chance instead of bonus damage.
The Twin Suns Chamber: Load 8 Mag Bombs into your magazine. They attach to enemies and are detonated on Reload. The first Mag Bomb attached to each Behemoth part deals +300 damage.
The Twin Suns Grip: Dash in a direction, becoming invulnerable for the duration. After dodging through an attack, fire 6 mini-shots that always crit. While in Mag Bomb mode, fires 2 Mag Bombs instead.
The Twin Suns Prism: After a critical strike, reduce the cooldown of Mag Bomb mode by 3 seconds.