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Dauntless Wiki
Koshai (Heroic)
Koshai (Heroic) Illustrated Full Icon
Island(s) Located

Koshai (Heroic) is one of the Behemoths in Dauntless. It is a variant of Koshai.

Drop Table[ | ]

Guaranteed Drops[ | ]

Name Obtained From
Aether Thorn Icon 001 Aether Thorn Slay
Rams Icon 001 Rams


Splintered Antler Icon 001 Splintered Antler Break Antlers
Vinetooth Icon 001 Vinetooth Break Head
Bramblespur Icon 001 Bramblespur Break Limb
Caudal Thorn Icon 001 Caudal Thorn Sever Tail
Sovereign Dye Icon 001 Sovereign Dye (Rumour) Break Head (while Aether-charged)

Loot Rolls[ | ]

Icon Name Obtained From
Aether Thorn Icon 001 Aether Thorn Slay
Vital Thorn Icon 001 Vital Thorn
Thornsoul Shard Icon 001 Thornsoul Shard
Additional Info –
•  Upon Behemoth kill, you're granted 5 Loot Rolls.
•  For each part break, you gain an additional Loot Roll.
•  Note that Kill and Break has a different Loot Table.

Modifiers[ | ]

Icon Modifiers Description
Heroic Icon 001 Heroic Behemoths are tougher and deal more damage.

Islands[ | ]

Koshais (Heroic) can be found on the following Islands.

Icon Island Level Available Behemoths
Island Icon 003
Undervald Defile (Surge)
Earthshaper Fenroar Illustrated Trimmed Icon Earthshaper Fenroar Koshai (Heroic) Illustrated Trimmed Icon Koshai (Heroic) Bloodshot Shrowd Illustrated Trimmed Icon Bloodshot Shrowd Deadeye Quillshot Illustrated Trimmed Icon Deadeye Quillshot

Attack Patterns[ | ]

Coming Soon™

Gallery[ | ]
