Dauntless Wiki
Edge of Tomorrow
Edge of Tomorrow Icon
There's something very familiar about this sword...
Weapon Type
Base Power
Power Icon 100

Cell Slots
Unique Effect
Legendary Ability: [G] / [L+R] to rewind to your position 3 seconds prior to reactivation. Restores health and stamina lost in that time, and removes debuffs. Become invulnerable and gain increased move speed for 6 seconds. Usable while downed. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds.

The Edge of Tomorrow is a legendary craftable Sword. It is a Tier 5 weapon crafted from Chronovore reagents.

Details[ | ]

Level Power Elemental Power Perk Unique Effect Crafting Requirements
Craft 100 +80 vs Umbral Icon Umbral
-40 vs Radiant Icon Radiant
Bond [G] / [L+R] to rewind to your position 3 seconds prior to reactivation. Restores health and stamina lost in that time, and removes debuffs. Become invulnerable and gain increased move speed for 6 seconds. Usable while downed. Resets on Behemoth kill or after 90 seconds. Rams Icon 001Rams (x8,000)
Glittering Hide IconGlittering Hide (x1,500)
Golden Heart IconGolden Heart (x20)
Temporal Fin IconTemporal Fin (x10)
Shattered Tusk IconShattered Tusk (x6)
Timeworn Tentacle IconTimeworn Tentacle (x4)
Sunburst Shard IconSunburst Shard (x4)
Power Surge 120 +96 vs Umbral Icon Umbral
-48 vs Radiant Icon Radiant
Aetherhearts IconAetherheart (x1)
Rams Icon 001Rams (x10,000)
Golden Heart IconGolden Heart (x5)
Sunburst Shard IconSunburst Shard (x2)

Mastery Card[ | ]

Objective Levels
Craft Edge of Tomorrow
Experience 300 900 3,300 4,000 4,500
