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Types of Damage[ | ]

Basic Damage Core[ | ]

Core damage is indicated by grey numbers and is damage dealt directly to a Behemoth's health pool. It is the main way of killing a Behemoth. While other damage types do not damage the health pool, base damage is still being dealt in the background while dealing damage to break points - the number is simply hidden in favour of showing part damage.

Part Damage Part[ | ]

Part damage is the damage dealt to unbroken parts of a Behemoth and is indicated by yellow numbers. This damage does not directly damage a Behemoth's actual health pool, and only counts towards the damage threshold for breaking a part. Once that threshold is reached, that part will break off from a Behemoth as a lootable item and no longer take part damage, the behemoth will also be stunned for a short duration.

Breaking parts can alter a Behemoth's attacks and behavior, most often when severing the tail. One example of these changes that occur is Charrogg, who has unique parts to break off - his blaze vents - that prevent him from spewing out fire during certain moves.

All weapons can deal part damage, but slashing weapons (Sword, Axe, War Pike, and Chain Blades) have a +50% part damage bonus when attacking Behemoth tails or other severables.

Cells that increase or deal part damage include Bladestorm and Sharpened.

Stagger Damage Stagger[ | ]

Stagger damage is damage dealt to a Behemoth's head or legs and allows slayers to stagger, stun or knockdown Behemoths. Stagger damage is indicated by blue damage numbers and does not affect the Behemoth's basic health pool. Generally, hitting the head of a Behemoth deals higher stagger damage than impact to the legs, but can vary between different Behemoths.

This is primarily dealt by slashing (Sword, Axe, and Chain Blades) and blunt (Hammer and Aether Strikers) weapons, with blunt-types dealing a higher base amount of stagger damage. There is a minimum damage threshold that must be met to deal stagger damage, so often a lower damage-dealing weapon like Chain Blades will not deal stagger damage when attacking.

Cells that increase or deal stagger damage include Knockout King, Pacifier, and Weighted Strikes.

Wound Damage Wound[ | ]

Wound damage will create wounded points on a Behemoth's body where part damage can be dealt (i.e. legs, tail, and head), regardless of break status. This damage type is indicated by red numbers and does not affect the Behemoth's basic health pool.

Once a wound has been created the wounding party will receive the Aether Rush buff (15% bonus to Attack Damage, Attack Speed, Movement Speed and Stamina Regeneration for 20 seconds). This can also be earned by dealing a total of 1500 damage to wounded parts across any number of wounded parts. Wounded parts will remain wounded for a total of 15 seconds.

Piercing weapons (War Pike and Chain Blades) have the innate ability to apply and deal wound damage.

Cells that increase or deal wound damage include Acidic, Barbed, Tactician, and Merciless.

Damage Modifiers[ | ]

Name Type of Damage Min Max
Aetherhunter All 1.05 1.5
Berserker All 1.1 1.35
Deconstruction All 1.1 2.0
Knockout King Stagger 1.05 1.3
Tenacious All 1.0 Varies
Overpower All 1.1 1.4
Pacifier Stagger 1.1 1.6
Predator All 1.04 1.35
Rage All 1.2 1.2
Ragehunter All 1.05 1.4
Recycle All 1.1 1.6
Sharpened Part 1.05 1.3
Savagery All 1.2 2.0

In-Depth[ | ]

This next part has been listed under the In-Depth Category. Meaning the information below is gonna be technical conserning the mechanics of the game.

Welcome to the In-depth part of this page. Here you will find approximate calculations to different kinds of damage.

Core/Health[ | ]

The Core/Health damage dealt to a Behemoth can be calculated with this formula:
(Base + BaseFlat + healthFlat) * Att. Type Mult * Crit * rawDMG Mult * Power Mult

Name Description
Base The base damage, or unmodified damage of the hit. Check the weapon tabs for a list of the attacks for each weapon
BaseFlat Effects that add directly to base instead of later in the calculation.

This includes Hellion Unique Effect, Boreus Unique Effect, Hurricane Blades mod, and Primed Hammer hits

Att. Type Mult The attack type specific multiplier for the hit used, check the list below. This includes the part damage bonus on wounded parts as well as severable bonus. Acidic damage will increase the wound amount of this by an additive x%
Crit The multiplier if the hit was a critical strike, starts at x1.5, and can be increased further with perks such as Cunning, Pulse, Discipline or Transcendant Spite
rawDMG Mult Raw damage multipliers, Damage multipliers that doesn't specify a specific damage type.

For example Ragehunter, Savagery, Predator or Axe determination stacks.

Power Mult A multiplier generated by comparing your weapon power with the behemoths power, check the weapon power tab for details.

This value can be anywhere from 0.15 to 1.535 currently, but stagger and wound maxes at 1.0

<type>Flat A flat bonus for that specific damage type.

For example Bladestorm (part), Weighted Strikes(stagger) or Barbed(wound). The only healthFlat is Precision Sights mod, which buffs health and part damage.

Marksman The Marksman Chamber special effect.

Part Damage[ | ]

The Part damage can be calculated with:
(((Base+BaseFlat) * partDMG Mult) + partFlat) * Att.Type Mult * Crit * rawDMG Mult * Power Mult * Marksman * Acidic Penalty

Name Description
partDMG Mult Part damage multipliers. Damage multipliers that specify that it is part damage, for example sharpened, or unique effects that give % part damage.
Acidic Penalty When acidic "converts" part damage to wound damage, it reduces all your part damage by x% and applies an additive x% to Att. Type Mult (wound only).

It does not give you wound damage from part damage buffs, and applies even if you cant get wounds

Stagger Damage[ | ]

The Stagger, one of the most essential types of damage during a hunt. You can calculate this with this formula:
(((Base+BaseFlat) * Att.Type Mult * Crit * staggerDMG Mult * rawDMG Mult - staggerResist) + staggerFlat) * Power Mult * Hitzone

Name Description
staggerDMG Mult Stagger damage multipliers. Damage multipliers that specify that it is stagger damage. For example knockout king or the Embermane hammer unique effect. (Pacifier is bugged and does not use this, it is added as a flat stagger amount instead, using a % of the base number as a flat value)
staggerResist A flat reduction to all stagger damage dealt. Starts at 80, and increases by 10 per stagger damage stagger until it caps at 105. This value can only reduce the preceding calculation to 0, it can't go negative.
Hitzone A multiplier to stagger damage dealt depending on where you hit the behemoth, check the Behemoth hitzones tab for details. This can be anywhere from 0.25 to 1.5

Wound Damage[ | ]

Wound being a part of any assists role. You can calculate this with this formula:
(((Base+BaseFlat) * Att.Type Mult * Crit * woundDMG Mult * rawDMG Mult) + woundFlat) * Power Mult

Name Description
woundDMG Mult Wound damage multipliers. Damage multipliers that specify that it is wound damage. For example insight tonics, or the barbed spearhead mod

Attack Types[ | ]

Different weapons, and attacks from those weapons can deal different types of damage, these provide the Att. Type Mult values seen above and cannot be directly changed. The severables below include tails and horns while the armour is the plating found on the Skarn or Torgadoro's gloved fists.

Slashing[ | ]

Dealt by the Axe, Sword, and Chain Blades, as well as War Pike heavy, slashing, attacks.

  • 100% Core Damage
  • 100% Part Damage
  • 100% Base Stagger Damage
  • 0% Base Wound Damage
  • +50% Part Damage to severables
  • Can sever parts
  • 75% Part Damage to Armour

Blunt[ | ]

Dealt by the Hammer and Aether Strikers.

  • 100% Core Damage
  • 100% Part Damage
  • 133.33% Base Stagger Damage
  • 0% Base Wound Damage
  • Can sever parts
  • 100% Part Damage to Armour

Piercing[ | ]

Dealt by the War Pike light, stabbing, attacks and Chain Blades heavy attacks.

  • 100% Core Damage
  • 100% Part Damage
  • 0% Base Stagger Damage
  • 133% Base Wound Damage
  • +25% Part Damage to severables
  • Can sever parts
  • 75% Part Damage to Armour

Shot[ | ]

Dealt by Ostian Repeaters and the Adamant Bolt Special.

  • 100% Core Damage
  • 100% Part Damage
  • 0% Base Stagger Damage
  • 0% Base Wound Damage
  • Can sever parts
  • 75% Part Damage to Armour

Special/AoE[ | ]

Used by certain special effects sure as Volatile Axecore and Sword Overdrive Slicers for a full list see the original work[1].

  • 100% Core Damage
  • Part Damage inherited from the weapon used, Slashing for War Pikes
  • No Stagger Damage
  • No Wound Damage
  • Not affected by Part Damage buffs
  • Not affected by single hit buffs
  • Not counted for hit counting effects (Such as the Hellion Unique Effect)
  • Not affected by Marksman
  • Armour Damage inherited from the weapon used, Slashing for War Pikes

Item[ | ]

Dealt by Lanterns attacks, Grenades and Airstrikes, as well as Escalation Amps such as Eidolons. This is affected only by power and does not have it's own elemental bonuses, or penatlies.

  • 100% Core Damage
  • 100% Part Damage
  • No Stagger Damage
  • No Wound Damage
  • 100% Part Damage to Armour

Build Comparison Formula[ | ]

This is an in-depth formula for comparing builds. It can be written as:
1 + ( ( (1 - $\sum_{n=0}^{4}0^{|PulseRate-n|}$) * (1 - CritChance)) / PulseRate + $\sum_{n=0}^{4}0^{|PulseRate-n|}$) + CritChance) * (1 - CritDamage) * (1 + rawDMG) * (1 + AttackSpeed)

Credits[ | ]

All of these calculations were found by Ket & Froogal[1].

References[ | ]
