Dauntless Wiki
Conductive Antler
Conductive Antler Icon 001
A Common drop from the Antlers of any Stormclaw. Used to craft Stormclaw gear.
Behemoth Breakpart
Obtained From

Conductive Antler is a reagent in Dauntless.

Description[ | ]

A Common drop from the Antlers of any Stormclaw. Used to craft Stormclaw gear.

Obtained From[ | ]

Behemoths[ | ]

Used In[ | ]

Weapon Crafting[ | ]

Icon Name Power Element Perk Cell Slots Unique Effect
Storm Breakers Icon Storm Breakers 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Aetheric Attunement Finesse Cell Finesse
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, extend Mantra timeout by 3 seconds
Storm Cutter Icon Storm Cutter 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Energized Brutality Cell Brutality
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, your next attacks gain 100% bonus meter for +5 seconds
Storm Blades Icon Storm Blades 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Energized Finesse Cell Finesse
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, your next attacks gain 100% bonus meter for +3 seconds
Storm Hammer Icon Storm Hammer 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Aetheric Attunement Brutality Cell Brutality
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, reload 3 aethercharged ammo
Storm Shooters Storm Shooters 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Aetheric Attunement Brutality Cell Brutality
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
On dodging through a Behemoth attack, Empowered Reload
Storm Sword Icon Storm Sword 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Energized Finesse Cell Finesse
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, your next attacks gain 100% bonus meter for +4 seconds
Storm Pike Icon Storm Pike 80 Shock Icon Shock +2 Insight Perk Icon Energized Finesse Cell Finesse
Alacrity Cell Alacrity
After dodging through an attack, your next attacks gain 100% bonus meter for +4 seconds

Weapon Power Surging[ | ]

Conductive Antler is not used to power surge any weapons.

Armour Crafting[ | ]

Icon Name Resistance Element Perk Cell Slot
Stormhelm Icon 001 Lightning Helm 20 Shock Icon Shock +2 Alacrity Perk Icon Pack Walker None
Stormplate Icon 001 Lightning Plate 20 Shock Icon Shock +2 Alacrity Perk Icon Evasive Fury None
Stormbracers Icon 001 Lightning Gloves 20 Shock Icon Shock +2 Alacrity Perk Icon Evasive Fury None
Stormboots Icon 001 Lightning Boots 20 Shock Icon Shock +2 Alacrity Perk Icon Evasive Fury None

Armour Power Surging[ | ]

Conductive Antler is not used to power surge any armour.
