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A Man of Many Talents
Wils Bormen
Wils Bormen
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Impressed by your training so far, Wils Bormen wants to introduce you to crafting Essences from Behemoth parts, and using them to unlock powerful Talents on your weapons.

Objectives[ | ]

  • Use Behemoth parts to create any Essence, with Wils.
  • Craft a Weapon Talent using any Essence, with Wils.

Rewards[ | ]

On Accept

  • Aether Core (x6)

Dialogue[ | ]

(Quest start)

Wils Bormen: "First, you need to craft Essences (like the one I just gave you), which you can then spend to unlock Talents. Talents can enhance your weapon's basic stats, as well as your attacks. And the more of them you unlock of a given type, the richer resources you will need for the next."

Wils Bormen: "I can help you with both of these - lets start by crafting an Essence from your collected Behemoth parts, and then see what Talent we can spend it on."

(Complete objectives)

Wils Bormen: "As a Slayer, one of your many duties is collecting valuable information for our Behemothologists to learn more about our enemies. Dr. Shaed Priyani is waiting for you!"

(Quest complete)
